Lost memory? No more - scientists on verge of finding out which cell each of your memories is stored in
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2078100/Lost- memory-No--scientists-verge-fi nding-cell-memories-stored-in. html#ixzz1hgkd8FfF
Well, I read it but can't remember what it said![]()
If they find any of mine, could they please return them pronto - could do with a couple!
Brain function can start declining 'as early as age 45' http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-16425522
that was only can and not does for everyone![]()
I started losing mine at 30My Mum had the same & said that the info she had forgotten had fallen into a hole in her brain!
Do our brains decline from middle age?
http://www.nhs.uk/news/2012/01January/Pages/dementia-brain-d ecline-may-begin-45.aspx
Not ours!!Other people's maybe
Phew that is a relief.... had me a bit worried for a moment there
.... then forgot what the problem was
Just for fun, have a look at this: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/nicotine-slow-mental-decline-210714 368.html
Seems that nicotine might be good for something after all!!Wish they would all make up their minds - they haven't really got a clue, have they
How do they expect people to keep upwhen they change faster than the weather
Starting to get a middle-aged brain? Then give it a good workout ,
http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/ starting-to-get-a-middleaged-b rain-then-give-it-a-good-worko ut-6287397.html
will want a lot more convincing than this report has to offer on this one![]()
Vitamin B and folic acid 'boosts memory in pensioners'
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2084678/Vitamin-B- folic-acid-boosts-memory-pensi oners.html#ixzz1j6RNVpkN
Why you can't remember anything - and how to fix it
Read more: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/health-news/2012/01/16/why-you- can-t-remember-anything-and-ho w-to-fix-it-115875-23701305/#i xzz1jcJQAFXP
I don't think that I have actually lost my memory; just think that I have mislaid it!!If any of you find it, feed it and then send it back on its way please
If any of you find it, feed it and then send it back on its way please![]()
Lots of chocolate I suppose and some to take back to you.![]()
see antony worrall thingy.......oooops![]()
Definitley lost mine.................
Stay Alert... there is a shortage of Lerts![]()
Environment 'sustains intelligence'
http://www.nhs.uk/news/2012/01January/Pages/intelligence-gen etics-vs-environment.aspx
Pre-dementia 'more common in men than women' http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-16679028
I wonder if it could be partly because men tune things out, i.e. nagging women![]()
Are you saying that there is no such thing as a "nagging man"!![]()
Think it was only about which was most common in the article![]()
I've never met one Sue![]()
I've never met one Sue![]()
I've never met one Sue![]()
I take it that means you haven't either![]()
No evidence milk boosts brain power,
http://www.nhs.uk/news/2012/01January/Pages/milk-helps-brain -cognitive-function.aspx
Take the Alzheimer's test: The 21 questions that can reveal if YOU are at risk..
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2095705/Alzheimers -questionnaire-Test-reveal-YOU -risk.html#ixzz1lSSwn1YC
Whew, that's a relief. I seem ok (well as ok as I'll ever be)![]()
Have done it and I seem to be almost perfect![]()
Have done it and I seem to be almost perfect![]()
We never expected anything less Sue(Aren't I the creep?)
And me however SQ suspect you are still recovering from the vaporising G&T![]()
Ian - what do you mean by your ermm comment?Dave is not a creep; he just recognises brilliance when he sees it!
Melle - just think how wonderful it would be to inhale G & T - no glasses to hold, no refills, no people knocking your arm and spilling some, etc., etc.,![]()
Well - M & S sell it in tins these days so its only a short trip to the tinned 02 and thus vaporisation. Bring it on![]()
Well - M & S sell it in tins these days so its only a short trip to the tinned 02 and thus vaporisation. Bring it on![]()
Tinned Oxygen can be got here:
Think the version being sought could have, ice and a slice with more than a hint of G&T in it![]()
Poor night's sleep 'could increase chances of getting dementia'
http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/technology-science/science/poor -nights-sleep-could-increase-6 85237
How much did that bit or research cost? Could have told them that lack of sleep certainly doesn't help. Duh
Slow walking 'predicts dementia' http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-17028712
has still got to be better than not walking at all though... hopefully
I walk slowly so have I got it? Doh![]()
Another danger that is common knowledge![]()
Attending meetings lowers IQ: research
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/9108790/Attendi ng-meetings-lowers-IQ-research .html
Alzheimer's detected decades before symptoms http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-20206267
Oer, I never knew this before. I have attended enough meetings to last me a life time of memory loss![]()
Can't remember what you went upstairs for? Your MEDICINE could be to blame for your poor memory
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2228871/Medicines- used-insomnia-allergies-impair -memory-concentration.html#ixz z2BTtGqvcq
Menopause triggers real memory lapses and such problems are not simply the result of poor sleep associated with the change in life, according to a new study.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/9778712/Menopau se-memory-problems-real-not-im agined.html
Adventures in Science - Memory radio4 iplayer http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00ffnxt/Adventures_in_ Science_Series_2_Recalling_the _Past/
Fish oil 'can restore the brain after junk food': Diets rich in omega-3s play key role in reversing damage caused by high fats
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2325293/Fish-oil-r estore-brain-junk-food-Diets-r ich-omega-3s-play-key-role-rev ersing-damage-caused-high-fats .html#ixzz2TS3QI55g
Arc protein 'could be key to memory loss', says study http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-22811691
Drinking hot chocolate could prevent ALZHEIMER'S by boosting blood flow to the brain
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2386257/Drinking-h ot-chocolate-prevent-ALZHEIMER S-boosting-blood-flow-brain.ht ml#ixzz2bTMKozVs